Stressed out? Consider what happens to the body during prolonged periods of stress.
Our sympathetic
nervous system is the system responsible for shunting blood to our limbs to
allow us to quickly, swiftly move to safety and away from danger. It is our
flight and fight system- "the true Stress response". When we
live a stress filled life and are already made to be Type A and perpetually
stressed, that physiologic (actually happening in each cell of our body)
response remains active, whether there is danger or no danger. The
problem is, is that our brains cannot differentiate what is a TRUE danger vs. a
perceived danger. It responds to both, the SAME way causing the cells in
the body to prepare for "fight and or flight". This is an energy dependent mechanism which requires a tremendous amount of fuel to
perseverate the response. If your "fuel tank" is low or on empty, the
body will leach fuel (glucose) from your muscles and continue perseverating the
flight and fight mechanism. Breaking down muscle to give the body fuel is
not a mechanism one wants to perseverate. If this process goes on
long-term, the body will increase its production of cortisol (hormone) that
further breaks down muscle to keep the Stress Response ON.
Most of us have perfected this stress response, including me! But, we have to also perfect how to turn it OFF. Muscle loss is detrimental in so many ways, not to mention the destruction prolonged elevated blood pressure causes and high levels of cortisol.
As you prepare for a new season, prepare with stress reduction or management in mind. Plan a bit more to keep yourself on track. BREATHE, take time each hour to focus on slow steady through the nose, our through the mouth. Finally, keep it in perspective...don't sweat the small stuff and remember what is most important in life - and enjoy it!