Wednesday, October 30, 2013

If you have children in sports, you are likely aware of the risk of concussion.  This injury seems to be increasing every year.  With our training as chiropractic neurologists, we have had the privilege of working with many local families to help their children recover from a head injury.
With specialized diagnostic testing we work with the patient to determine the part of the brain that sustained the injury.  Then, we use patient-specific treatment patterns to leverage the brain's inherent ability to repair itself by providing targeted inputs (neurological exercises) to the specific sense that will stimulate new neural connections in the identified areas of the brain.
Along with this approach comes modification to lifestyle as needed so the brain can repair.  One of the most important modifications is appropriate accommodations in school.  Click Here to read an article from the Star Tribune addressing the return to school issue.  It's a great article, however, neglects to mention chiropractic neurology as a viable option for safe recovery from a concussive injury.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Food for thought from Dr. Ala as the Holidays approach

Metabolism and weight loss: How you burn

"You've probably heard people blame their weight on a slow metabolism, but what does that mean? Is metabolism really the culprit? And if so, is it possible to rev up your metabolism to burn more calories?
While it's true that metabolism is linked to weight, it may not be in the way you expect. In fact, contrary to common belief, a slow metabolism is rarely the cause of excess weight gain. Although your metabolism influences your body's basic energy needs, it's your food and beverage intake and your physical activity that ultimately determine how much you weigh."

Pay attention to every calorie you look at and more importantly consume. They add up, fast. You must measure every bite calorically.  Think about it this way; if you go to the mall to buy yourself something special, do you just blindly walk up to the check out, close your eyes and hand the cashier a pile of money, without measuring???  I think not. The same rule applies for food. 

The holidays are fast approaching and each year without thinking most Americans blindly stuff themselves with empty calories and empty their pockets of cash, with senseless buying.  Let's enjoy the Holidays of 2013 in the black!

Less food, more thought!

DR. Ala