Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Mark your Calendars for our next exciting event.DIABETES: REVERSED!

WHAT: Join us for an exciting evening as Dr. Ala discusses the chronic disease called non insulin dependent diabetes that is taking away quality of life for so many people

WHY: This disease affects millions of Americans.  In fact, 1 in 9 adults suffer with type 2 diabetes and even more are projected to succumb to it in the near future.  So, it is important to understand how the disease affects the body.

HOW: We will focus on how you can dramatically change your health and potentially REVERSE this disease by making changes in your:

  • Lifestyle
  • Activity level
  • Diet/Nutrition
  • Dietary Supplement Support
It's now well established that many of today's top health challenges and diseases are related to the lifestyle choices we make.  Let us help you take control of your lifestyle and dramatically improve your health.

If you are interested in learning how to live your life to the fullest and reverse chronic disease, be sure to join us!

Monday May 5th, 6:30pm
At the Fergus Falls YMCA
The event is FREE, but seating is limited so you must register.  
To register, call our office or email.
(218) 736-4113.