I am so excited to travel with Dr. Kelly to Atlanta in about 2 weeks to attend our first of 14 modules of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Courses that will equip us with the most up to date, real time, therapeutic interventions available for helping patients recover from mild Traumatic Brain injuries.
As you all have heard, lots of people are suffering (traumatic brain injuries) TBI's and don't know what to do to recover. Many go months or years without the proper intervention and succumb to post head injury sequelae of symptoms including chronic pain, headaches, vertigo, dizziness, loss of balance, forgetfullness, insomnia ........
I have experienced first hand the unbelievable results of Brain Based functional neurology while studying under Dr. Fredrick Carrick of the Carrick Institute. His Brain based approach to TBI's is brilliant to say the least. We are hoping to learn from his over 30 years of understanding of the functional and anatomical aspects of the brain and nervous system.
Our courses will run monthly for the next 14 months, so lots of travel time ahead of us, and although airport travel is something to be desired, what a great opportunity to spend time learning and sharing patient cases and brainstorming with Dr. Kelly.
Stay tuned and I will update you on our first module and the types of cases and rounds we partake in..... Until then, happy March and stay warm and don't let the snow and ice get you down!! Literally don't fall. Quick tip: When walking out of a warm building into the cold Minnesota outdoors, STOP and let the bottoms of your shoes/boots cool down and reach the temperature of the outdoors. This will reduce the slippery layer formed by the melt under your shoe. Viola, less head trauma.
Take care. Yours in health,
Dr. Ala

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