As we continue our posts on the basics of healthy eating, it is time to address fruits and vegetables. With the other food groups, we addressed the over abundance of information available on what to eat and what not to eat, that often times we end up more confused than when we started. It's difficult because you can find so many sources that contradict each other. However, fruits and vegetables seem to be the exception here. Very rarely would you find a source that would indicate that you should not consume these foods on a regular basis. So, let that serve as your proof for how important this food group is. It should be consumed DAILY...without exception.

Try to make 50% of your plate at each meal comprised of veggies. Preferably raw and green. Veggies are loaded with nutrients and very few calories. So you can physically fill up the gut and feel full without getting an overload of calories. When possible, add broccoli. This is super veggie that aids in cleaning the liver of toxins.
Fruits: Like vegetables, fruits are a great source of phytonutrients essential for optimum health. The quantity of fruit intake should be monitored however, as it does contain sugar. It contains naturally occurring sugar as opposed to man made sugar or something artificially added. This type of sugar is considered the healthiest sugar available, but still should not be consumed in an unlimited fashion. Instead, consider this your delicacy and treat it as such!
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