Ask our patients...About Our Comprehensive Testing and Examination Methods
Q: How valuable are the examination by the doctors and testing methods (such as CAPS testing, VNG exams, and Saccadometry) in recommending proper care for an injured athlete?
A: Very valuable. They show progress and help the doctors reassess the treatment you have to do.
A: The VNG in our opinion is the BEST help you could get! MRI's and CT scans didn't detect any of the issues that our son experienced. We would not have ever understood why our son suffered so much without this testing and examination by the doctor.
A: The CAPS and VNG tests give the doctors a clearer picture of what has happened to the brain and what needs to be done to start the recovery process. These tests are short and show immediate results from the concussion. When you child has had a concussion that doesn't heal on its own, these tests are imperative for recovery. The examination by the doctor also explains what has happened to the brain. We saw instantly what had happened to our daughter, and more importantly, we heard there was help for her. It is just heartbreaking to watch someone you love struggle with everything that comes with a concussion. It's not just the concussion itself, but the reaction from some people that adds to the difficulty. If you can't see the injury, they don't understand. I was sad at first to hear what had happened to our daughter's brain, but at the same time I was excited to hear Dr. Ala start talking rehab and recovery. Our daughter was so excited when she finally found people who understood.
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