Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Concussions and Base Line Screening.  

How do we MEASURE baseline brain function?

Check out the details below to learn more about the FREE baseline screening event we will be hosting.  The information below describes all the testing methods we utilize in our treatment and screening.

At Smith Family Chiropractic we have several testing methods using cutting edge technology to measure brain function.  These measures give us objective data to test a patient's brain.  A baseline screening is important to have so in the case of an injury we know how much repair needs to be done to return to pre-injury function.  This screening is also effective for sports performance enhancement as we can pin point deficiencies and offer therapies to correct them.

Check out our testing methods below and the brief description of these methods.

1. Computerized Assessment of Postural Stability CAPS
This test is also referred to as a static/dynamic "balance test".  Information from this test gives us statistically significant data about your balance and stability and compares it to "normals".  It allows us to inform you if you are at a HIGH RISK FOR FALLS.   FALLS are the number one cause of death in adults over age of 25.  FALLS, are the main cause of CONCUSSION.

2. VNG Videonystagmography
Elaborate test of eye movements that gives us data that can be compared to "normal populations" to determine how well the brain is capable of executing its functions.  Fast eye movements compared to slow eye movements are generated by different parts of the brain.  Concussions, result in damage to these areas of the brain.

3.  Saccadometry
Using laser beams projected from a headpiece, we are able to measure whether a person can generate fast eye movements which is a direct reflection of how well their frontal lobe (executive part of the brain) is working.  Concussion results in damage to this area of the brain in a majority of people.  It measures the speed at which the brain processes, the reaction time to process and the accuracy with which people can direct their eyes to move to a specific target.

FREE Concussion Baseline Screening Event

When: Saturday June 13th, 2015.
Time: 8:00am-12:00.
What: Call for an appointment during this time to have a baseline screening performed using our technology and expertise.

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