Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Do You Have A Concussion?

A concussion has often been called the invisible injury since it doesn't have visible wounds and doesn't always come with the same set of symptoms.  It can be frustrating to describe your injury or symptoms to others since they may not understand.  For you however, you know something is wrong and you don't enjoy the same quality of life you did before the injury or event that triggered your symptoms.  At Smith Family Chiropractic, we help patients in this situation all the time.  It is our goal to use objective testing to better understand the injury and offer rehabilitation to improve your quality of life.

So, what should you look for if you don't have the typical signs of a concussion like a headache?
If you have any of the following symptoms you may have suffered a concussion. Brain fog, fatigue, memory changes, concentration changes, an inner feeling of anxiousness unprovoked by an anxious event, light-headedness, a sense of motion when there is no motion, ringing in the ears, light sensitivity, sound sensitivity, nausea without vomiting. This list is certainly not all-inclusive. 

If you have suffered what you may think is a concussion please seek medical attention and assessment if your symptoms have not resolved in 7 to 10 days. Remember concussions to the brain do not always result from the head striking something. Concussions can result in a violent shake of the head without impact.

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