Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Burn Fat Dr. Ala's Way

These fat burning strategies are not for the faint of heart, but they are for the person who wants results and wants optimum body composition.  This is about more than just losing weight, this is about losing FAT weight.  Too often people focus on just the number on the scale.  However, this number doesn't tell you if you've lost, fat, muscle/lean tissue, or water weight.  Often times when people try to lose weight on their own, they end up losing lean tissue and gaining or maintaining fat weight.  This is undesirable for many reasons.  Fat weight looks less desirable, it burns fewer calories, it doesn't support the skeletal system as well, and it stores toxins that can lead to disease.  Lean tissue on the other hand, looks better, feels better, burns far more calories, doesn't store toxins, and supports your frame adequately.

So, if you are ready to shed some FAT weight, consider what I recommend and how I live, in order to shed fat pounds and maintain the lean ones.  Then, call our office to have a BIA test run on you so you can see more than just the numbers on the scale...and actually see what you are losing!

Fat burning strategies:
1. Intermittent fasting.  
2. High intensity exercise.

Intermittent fasting is a great way for the body to clean out all the garbage that is stored.  The body goes through a process call apoptosis.  Apoptosis is the programmed cell death, whereby the body, when deprived of caloric intake, actually uses the stored energy as fuel.  These stores are often garbage that is no longer needed or is actually a threat to our health.  I practice intermittent fasting one day per week.  For example, on Monday, after my evening meal, I cease eating until Tuesday at my evening meal.  This requires lots of discipline, but the effects are profound.

High intensity exercise is not only extremely effective, it is also more efficient.  A recent article in Men's Fitness stated this phenomenon perfectly.  
      "The magic of high intensity interval training (or HIIT for short) lies its ability to keep you burning fat even after you leave the gym. In short, your body isn’t able to bring in enough oxygen during periods of hard work. Therefore, you accumulate a “debt” of oxygen that must be repaid post-workout in order to get back to normal. The result — your metabolism is revved for hours after you leave the gym. 1

Each of these strategies on their own are effective and beneficial, but if you want serious results, consider combining the two strategies like I do.  You can super charge your fat loss efforts by combining these strategies as they actually mimic each other.  Consider my favorite benefits of these strategies when used together.

"Both strategies keep insulin levels ridiculously low, which keeps your body in fat burning mode."2  Primarily, spikes in insulin levels are caused by food intake.  When fasting, you avoid these spikes.  High intensity exercise has been shown to lower insulin and keep insulin levels low for several hours post workout.

"Both strategies increase Growth Hormone production in a big way."2  By fasting, you increase GH production as the body's 'fight or flight' response is heightened.  High intensity exercise has been shown to increase GH production by as much as 450% if you exercise properly.

My favorite benefit of the combination of these strategies is the increase in brain power and focus.  "Adrenaline is released by the adrenal glands during high intensity exercise protocols, which is a precursor to helping you release and burn off more fat."2  Fasting also increases neurotransmitter products which is key in increasing focus and concentration.

Now that you have the keys to losing fat, I challenge you to test these strategies.  Then call us for a BIA test to watch your results.  With this test, we can measure your fat mass, muscle mass, and water distribution.  Watch your results and your body transform as you accept my fat-burning challenge.

1. Duvall, Jeremy. "8 Amazing Fat Burning Intervals." Men's Fitness.
2. Otake, Shin.  "MaxWorkouts."

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