As you may know, there is a great debate around juicing fresh fruits and veggies. You will find some in one camp who argue for it and other who say it's not the best habit. We suggest that it is a great habit with profound health benefits...IF it is done correctly.
Juicing is an excellent way to hydrate the body and provides an abundant source of nutrients that are readily available for the body to use without having to break anything down. For example, if you juiced one whole cucumber, 1 carrot, and 1/2 an apple, you would be getting a large amount of nutrients that are readily available for the body to use. The body does not have to break down a whole food (the juicer did that) instead the body can immediately use the nutrients. In contrast, if you were to eat the cucumber, carrot, and apple, you would be quite full and you body has a lot of work to do before it can use the nutrients.
The next item up for debate is fiber. Some would argue that when you juice you lose valuable fiber that is essential for healthy elimination. While fruits and veggies offer a healthy form of fiber that is needed by the body, fruit and vegetable fiber is non soluble in water. There is another type of fiber called water soluble fiber, similar to that found in flax meal. Water soluble fiber will enhance elimination and promote normal Peristalsis, which is the intestinal reflex to move stool.
So, we would recommend that you juice the fruits and veggies to get some hydration and a super dose of nutrients that are readily available for the body to use. In addition, eat a healthy amount of whole fruits and veggies in your diet.
The next issue is what you juice. Many people make the mistake of juicing far too much fruit and consequently giving the body a super dose of sugar. If you choose to juice, be sure that at least 75% of the juice comes from vegetables, preferably green veggies such as kale, cucumber, celery, spinach, etc. Then add just a little bit of fruit to sweeten it up, it doesn't take much fruit to give the lots of flavor, just a small piece is often enough. See the recipes and tips for juicing below!
Juicing Tips:
Feel free to try any combination/recipe that you like. I find it's easier to stick with the same one or two recipes, that way I can keep the fridge stocked. I just buy a small variety of ingredients, but in large quantities, rather than keeping lots of different ingredients on hand.
Here is a great site to check out for more ideas:
#1, this is my primary go to recipe we use almost daily.
- 1 cucumber
- hand full of spinach leaves, (or you can use a couple leaves of kale instead of spinach),
- 1 large carrot
- 1/2 an apple (or handfull of berries--strawberries, blueberries, anything to give it a bit of sweet)
#2, Green goodie
- 1 cucumber
- couple kale leaves
- small hand full of green grapes
- 1/2 green granny smith apple
- 1/2 grapefruit
- 1 large carrot
- 1 cucumber
- 1/2 cucumber
- 3 kale leaves
- 1 apple
- hand full of spinach
- 1/2 lemon
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