Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Imagine the potential for learning when you combine hundreds of professionals in the field of functional neurology from around the globe for three days?
That, is called the International Association of Functional Neurology & Rehabilitation Conference. Once again, our doctors have the privilege of attending this event and being part of the lectures, presentations, and networking.

Check out this intense learning agenda that our doctors will be taking part in this weekend.  All of this new information and training allows them to offer better care to those in our area!
Presentations at the 2014 Conference Include:
Anat Baniel, founder of the Anat Baniel Method℠, is the author of Move Into Life: The Nine Essentials for Lifelong Vitality and Kids Beyond Limits. Anat was trained as a clinical psychologist, dancer, and was a close professional associate of Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais.
Frederick Robert Carrick, DC, PhD, Carrick Institute for Graduate Studies and Carrick Brain Centers
Dr. Louis J Cozolino, Ph.D. Professor of Psychology, Graduate School of Education and Psychology, Pepperdine University, California Author of The Neuroscience of Psychotherapy
Dr. Martha Herbert is an Assistant Professor of Neurology at Harvard Medical School, a Pediatric Neurologist at the Mass. General Hospital in Boston, and an affiliate of the Harvard-MIT-MGH Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging.

Dr. Datis Kharrazian is considered one of the leading experts in non-pharmaceutical applications to chronic illnesses, autoimmune disorders, and complex neurological disorders.
Dr. Gerry Leisman, of the National Institute of Brain and Rehabilitation Sciences, Israel as one of the speakers in alphabetical order.
Dr. Rob Melillo’s, a clinician for 25 years, a university professor, brain researcher and bestselling author, Dr. Melillo's cutting-edge research and success with over a thousand children in his private program are what led to the creation of Brain Balance Achievement Centers.
Dr. Dan Murphy offers the chiropractic profession the highest quality in whiplash education and to train doctors in the bulletproof management of personal injury cases with both documentation and treatment. 
Dr. Dan Siegel received his medical degree from Harvard University and completed his postgraduate medical education at UCLA with training in pediatrics and child, adolescent and adult psychiatry.
Clinical Workshops being presented by:
Dr. Robert Melillo hands on with Primitive and Postural Reflex Testing in Adults and Children
Dr. Shane Steadman on Ordering Lab Testing, Results and Interpretations
Dr. Mike Saatkamp on Attachment Disorders and Interpersonal Neurobiology and How it Relates practically to a Functional Neurology Practice.
Dr. Brandon Brock on Patient Examination: Differential Diagnosis for Vestibular Rehab.)

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

In your quest for optimum health, it is important to check your health scoreboard and get an objective measure. Most of us use the numbers on the scale as a marker of health and measure of weight. However, this number doesn't tell us much.

We use BIA (Bio Impedance Analysis) in our office to test body composition. This test tells you exactly what your weight is made up of and how you are functioning on the inside. This measure is often more motivating than just the numbers on the scale, plus we can create a plan that will help you see the results you need!

In order to take advantage of this enlightening test, we would like to invite you to stop in for a BIA check. We will review your results with your and no consult is needed, unless you request one.

Just $25 for your BIA check
BIA is FREE if you purchase $100 in products.

Offer ends 12-31-14.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Autophagy - A word every one should know!

The word is formed from the Greek auto - 'self' and phagein - ' to eat.'  This term literally means self eating.  Or, the breakdown and use of cellular garbage during fasting to maintain current energy levels.  

The human body was created in an amazing way!  Did you know, if you took a break from eating, or fast for a period of time, your body will use up your stored garbage for energy.  

This is a simple principle with profound health benefits.  You will fire up with clean fuel and shed a few extra pounds of garbage.  Make a goal today to at least start thinking this way!  Calorie restriction and reduction is good for the brain and the body.  Work on burning your internal garbage today!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Get the Most Benefit From Your Fish Oil

By now almost everyone has heard of the many health benefits fish oil, or an omega 3 supplement has to offer.  However, to get the most benefit there are a few things to consider.  

First, the quality of the product.  Quality in any nutritional supplement is extremely important.  Since the FDA does not regulate the supplement industry like the pharmaceutical industry it is much easier to package a product and sell it.  That being said, the quality of products on the market varies dramatically.  Fish oil in particular really varies.  You want to consider the source.  What type of fish?  Were they cold water fish? Were they farm raised? How were the toxins removed?  The best source is fish found in cold water like salmon, sardines, mackerel, and herring.  Next, you want to be sure these fish are not farm raised.

Second, you will want to consider the ratio of EPA to DHA.  Both are different types of omega 3 fatty acids and each offer a unique set of benefits.  EPA is great to prevent inflammation and helps control aches, pains, and swelling.  However DHA is ideal for brain health.  It has been shown to reduce brain degeneration and improve memory and brain function.  DHA is especially important for young children as their brain are developing.

As previously stated, fish oil is an omega 3 fatty acid.  Ideally, your ratio of omega 3 intake should equal that of the omega 6 intake.  However most Americans consume 20 times more omega 6 than they do omega 3.  Omega 6 containing foods include fried foods, partially hydrogenated fats and processed vegetable oils.  Instead, try to add healthy fats to your diet through foods like cold water fish, olive oil, avocados, and raw nuts and seeds.

All things considered, to get the best bang for your buck when it comes to fish oil, you want to use a premium source, make sure you have the correct ratio of EPA to DHA for your particular case, and reduce the amount of omega 6 containing foods that you consume! 

Thursday, June 26, 2014

FDA Orders Label Changes: Epidural Corticosteroid Injection Warning

You may have noticed that it takes A LOT for the FDA to change the warning on a drug.  However, on April 23rd of this year the FDA did just that on the injections of corticosteroids into the epidural space of the spine. This has been a widespread practice for several decades; however, the effectiveness and safety of the drugs for this type of use have not been established, and FDA has not approved corticosteroids for such use.
These injections are typically given to treat neck and back pain that radiates into the extremities.  The warning the FDA posted suggested that these injections may result in rare, but serious adverse reactions including, loss of vision, paralysis, stoke, and death.
For now, the FDA has issued the warning on the use of these drugs when injected into the spine.  And in order to address this further, they have put together a panel of experts to help define how these techniques can be used and reduce preventable harm.  They will release these recommendations when they are finalized.
Until then, if this procedure is recommended for you, you may want to discuss all your treatment options thoroughly with your healthcare provider.
At Smith Family Chiropractic, we can help you sort through all of your pain management options as well.  We take a holistic approach and offer excellent chiropractic care that is very safe and effective.  And when that isn't enough, we will help you navigate all the other options available to you!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Check out the progress of one of our FirstLine Therapy (FLT) patients.  He came into us with real ill health.  With some direction from Dr. Ala through our FLT program, and a lot of personal dedication, he was able to make dramatic changes in his health!  Check out his incredible progress below:

Paul, 56 year old, Male
Primary complaints:
  •         Stage 3 kidney failure
  •          Pre Diabetic
  •         High Blood Pressure
  •          Overweight
First Visit: 2/13/2014
  •         High blood pressure
  •          Stage 3 kidney failure
  •          Pre Diabetic
  •          Overweight
  •          Dependence on prescription meds

  •          Prevent diabetes
  •          Regain kidney health
  •          Reduce dependence on prescription meds
  •          Lose weight
  •          Consistent exercise
  •          Reduce risk of disease
  •          Maintain a longer, healthier life

Second visit: 3/25/2014 On FLT for 7 weeks
Follow up on Complaints:
  • Hypertension: Blood pressure reduced from 136/74 to 105/71 consistently.  Started decreasing blood pressure medication.
  •  Kidney health:  Labs show improvement.  Original labs showed Creatinine (kidney health marker) level of  1.72 mg/dL.  After first 7 weeks of FLT Creatinine was 1.61 mg/dL.
  • Prevent diabetes: Initial fasting glucose was 110 mg/dL.  After 7 weeks of FLT fasting glucose was 83 mg/dL.
  • Overweight: Initial weight was 186 lbs, after 7 weeks of FLT weight was down to 171. Weight loss total: 15 lbs.  Better than that, check out the quality of weight loss, listed below:
    • Initial fat mass, 48.84 lbs, after FLT fat mass, 26.84 lbs, total of 22 lbs of fat loss.
    • Initial muscle mass, 71.94, after FLT muscle mass of 78.54, total of 6.6 increase in lean tissue.
    • Bonus: Paul changed his body composition dramatically, increasing lean tissue and decreasing fat tissue.  Although he lost 15 pounds, he actually shed 22 pounds of fat!
  • Dependence on prescription meds.  Already decreasing high blood pressure medication.  Plus, diabetes is much less of a threat now, so future dependence on drugs has decreased significantly.  The improvement in kidney function also correlates with his goal of decreasing drug dependence.

Objective Data
Weight (lbs)
Waist Circ. (cm/in)
Hip Circ. (cm/in)
Total body water (L)
Ref. Ranges
Intracellular water(L)
Ref. Ranges
Extracellular water (L)
Ref. Ranges
Fat lbs
ATM lbs
ATM% (Lean Tissue)
Fat free mass lbs
Fat free mass %

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

We all know we should be exercising consistently, but often times it stops at...'we know we should.'  Exercise is absolutely essential for so many functions: digestion, joint health, mental health (yes makes you think clearer and be happier) and efficient use of calories taken in.  And the euphoric feeling after completing a workout is one you won't want to miss out on!  But what type of exercise is best?

New research in exercise is showing more benefit from a shorter (20 minute) but very intense workout compared to a very long (1 hour) exercise of moderate intensity.  According to a 2011 study presented at the American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, just 2 weeks of high-intensity intervals improves your aerobic capacity as much as 6 to 8 weeks of endurance training.

Another study compared a group that completed longer one hour endurance workouts 5 days per week and a second group that completed very short (14 minute TABATA workout), but very intense workouts 4 days per week.  After 6 weeks, the first group increased their aerobic (cardiovascular) strength, but showed little or no results on their anaerobic (muscle) system.  The second group in this study showed much more increase in their aerobic system AND an increase in their anaerobic system.  That means more of the 'red stuff' and less of the 'yellow stuff.' This is good news (and one less excuse) for all of you that claim you don't have enough time to workout!  If you choose this route however, you must be motivated to push yourself hard.  After all, any workout is only as good as the effort you put in!

For more information and examples of high intensity interval training, visit:

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

What is the difference between a chiropractic and medical neurologist?

Posted MAR 14 2014 by RACHMAN CHUNG in  with 0 COMMENTS
Just like medical neurologists, chiropractic neurologists are fully trained in the diagnosis and management of neurological conditions.  As chiropractors, we prefer to use natural and conservative methods to support the body’s ability to heal, and treatment strategies that can restore and optimize function in health and disease.  If patients require specific medications or surgical interventions, we refer them to the appropriate medical specialist to provide this portion of care.
The majority of neurological conditions are not surgical problems.  And the problem with most drugs used to suppress or enhance activity in the brain is that they have very poor ability to target specific receptors within localized regions of the brain and thus exhibit their effects upon the neurochemistry in both hemispheres globally.  The chemistry in the brain is very complex, and very little is truly understood about the wide range of effects that drugs have on it.  Drugs are necessary at times and can be life saving in many situations.  However, what happens too frequently is that drugs are prescribed to manage symptoms rather than to treat the underlying cause of the disease and without a functional understanding of what is actually happening in a person’s brain.  Most importantly, drugs cannot restore normal communication between neural networks.  This can only be achieved by activating the brain in a way that it was designed to engage the environment or by having the patient perform specific physical, sensory, or cognitive tasks.  Thus, the best treatment must be tailored to an individual’s brain.
Chiropractic neurology is an evidence-based model of care which utilizes diagnostic and treatment approaches that can measure and restore the functional relationships between neurological systems in health and disease.  This is achieved by performing a thorough neurological examination as well as diagnostic tests that can measure the function of neurological systems independently and as an integrated whole—tests such as computerized posturography, gait analysis, videonsytagmography, saccadometry.
With this information we are able to identify an individual’s strengths and weakness throughout his or her nervous system and to customize a rehabilitation plan that can restore appropriate function.  Our unique treatment strategies are able to target and restore functional connectivity with great specificity within the brain and nervous system—offering hope for many suffering with complex neurological conditions.  This approach differs from functional brain imaging or cognitive exercise by its ability to test and measure the performance of sensory-motor and cortical function in direct response to environmental stimuli.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Mark your Calendars for our next exciting event.DIABETES: REVERSED!

WHAT: Join us for an exciting evening as Dr. Ala discusses the chronic disease called non insulin dependent diabetes that is taking away quality of life for so many people

WHY: This disease affects millions of Americans.  In fact, 1 in 9 adults suffer with type 2 diabetes and even more are projected to succumb to it in the near future.  So, it is important to understand how the disease affects the body.

HOW: We will focus on how you can dramatically change your health and potentially REVERSE this disease by making changes in your:

  • Lifestyle
  • Activity level
  • Diet/Nutrition
  • Dietary Supplement Support
It's now well established that many of today's top health challenges and diseases are related to the lifestyle choices we make.  Let us help you take control of your lifestyle and dramatically improve your health.

If you are interested in learning how to live your life to the fullest and reverse chronic disease, be sure to join us!

Monday May 5th, 6:30pm
At the Fergus Falls YMCA
The event is FREE, but seating is limited so you must register.  
To register, call our office or email.
(218) 736-4113.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

What should you look for when buying your nutritional supplements?  As you dig into this question more, you will realize they are NOT all created equal.  Consider this...
Third party certification.
Metagenics (the company we primarily carry) has been certified by three different third parties.  This means they paid a third party to come in and examine all of their raw materials and manufacturing to be sure they meet the guidelines.  Metagenics did this 3 times and passed each time. Achieving this status of certification is almost unheard of and very few, if any, other nutraceutical companies have achieved this status.
Most vitamin/supplement companies are NOT third party certified.  They claim to "ensure that all operations are in accordance with FDA guidelines for good manufacturing practices." This means they did not pay to have anyone come in and scrutinize their procedures to confirm they meet FDA guidelines, instead they are just telling us to take their word for it.  This difference is like telling the officer the speed you were going when he pulls you over versus him having an actual reading of your speed with his technology.
Metagenics is certified by all of the following third parties.  Be sure to look for these logos to ensure that the company that manufactures your products is certified.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Protein-Rich Legumes

As you consider how to eat healthy, don't forget an important food group that often gets forgotten -- legumes (aka beans). You should consume these daily. 

Protein-rich legumes such as beans or lentils are high quality carbohydrates that are rich in vitamins, minerals, and soluble fiber. Soluble fiber when combined with water forms a gel like substance that swells and slows down the digestive process. This delays the emptying the stomach to make you feel full longer. This also results in a positive effect on blood sugar levels. Some of the best sources of legumes are black beans, navy beans, pinto beans, kidney beans, white beans, lima beans, garbanzo beans, split peas, and hummus.
For more info on a healthy, balanced eating program specifically for you, check out out First Line Therapy program.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

As we continue our posts on the basics of healthy eating, it is time to address fruits and vegetables.  With the other food groups, we addressed the over abundance of information available on what to eat and what not to eat, that often times we end up more confused than when we started.  It's difficult because you can find so many sources that contradict each other.  However, fruits and vegetables seem to be the exception here.  Very rarely would you find a source that would indicate that you should not consume these foods on a regular basis.  So, let that serve as your proof for how important this food group is.  It should be consumed DAILY...without exception.

Vegetables.  People who consume veggies regularly have a reduced risk for chronic disease.  Veggies also provide nutrients vital for health and maintenance of the body.  
Try to make 50% of your plate at each meal comprised of veggies. Preferably raw and green.  Veggies are loaded with nutrients and very few calories.  So you can physically fill up the gut and feel full without getting an overload of calories.  When possible, add broccoli.  This is super veggie that aids in cleaning the liver of toxins.

Fruits: Like vegetables, fruits are a great source of phytonutrients essential for optimum health.  The quantity of fruit intake should be monitored however, as it does contain sugar.  It contains naturally occurring sugar as opposed to man made sugar or something artificially added.  This type of sugar is considered the healthiest sugar available, but still should not be consumed in an unlimited fashion. Instead, consider this your delicacy and treat it as such!

If you are curious how to take your health to the next level with a personalized plan, OR if you have already been diagnosed with a disease and are in that us today for First Line Therapy.  This personalized plan can help you regain your health or take your health and fitness to the next level.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Our featured food group to add to your diet this week is whole grain.
There is often LOTS of confusion on what

whole grain is since the manufacturers are often misleading in their packaging. 

Here's what you need to know:
Whole grains or whole grain products are less processed and contain all three parts (germ, bran, and endosperm) of the original kernel. More processed grains remove the bran and germ from the kernel, which removes 25% of the protein and at least 17 key nutrients. First, make it your goal to remove all refined (white) grain products from your diet. Second, introduce more whole grain products such as, barley, brown and wild rice, quinoa, millet, rye, buckwheat, and wheat. Third, greatly reduce the amount of grains you are consuming to one small serving per day for the general population, possibly more if you are extremely active or are a growing child.
If you would like more help coming up with a personalized eating plan for you, check out our FirstLine Therapy Program!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

There certainly is no lack of information available on what health foods should be consumed.  And often times, that abundance of information is overwhelming.  So instead, we would encourage you to get your guidance from a professional source that you know and trust.  We hope to be that source for you with our personalized healthy lifestyle program called FirstLine Therapy.  If you are looking for a program written specifically for your body and your health goals contact us so Dr. Ala can prescribe one for you.  

Until then...consider the following foods and food groups recommended by Dr. Ala.  We will be updating with a new featured food group each week.  This week's feature is Oily Fish.

Oily Fish: Fish such as salmon, trout, herring, sardines, albacore tuna, and mackerel are excellent lean sources of protein.  In addition, they have high levels of omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.  These essential fatty acids (EFAs) have to be consumed as they are not manufactured by the body, but as their name suggests they are 'essential.' Research indicates eating foods high in EFAs can reduce the risk of heart disease, reduce inflammation, improve mental health, and reduce the risk of cancer and stoke.  In addition, oily fish are an excellent source of vitamin D.  Research demonstrates that vitamin D is absolutely essential for bone health and immune function.
The best form of vitamin D is from the sun.  We are all certainly lacking in full body exposure to the sun during this season.  So, be sure to supplement with at least 1000 IU daily.  
***Mention this blog and get 5% off your vitamin D purchase in our office.  Offer expires 2-14-14.